[Activity club사진] Moogata (Thai Barbecue) 무가타, 무양까오리

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작성자 SookJai 쪽지보내기 아이디로 검색 댓글 0건 조회 1,197회 작성일 23-12-15 07:39


Cheap street meat, and all-you-can-eat of it, is the only way to describe a Thai moogata feast. It’s similar to a Korean barbecue, yet on a less glamourous scale.

Though there are countless little moogata restaurants scattered throughout Bangkok, the official restaurants can be huge – often with hundreds of tables that accommodate thousands of eaters.

Quality is not always taken into much consideration, but quantity is! Nevertheless, eating moogata is a great experience and you get to grill as much meat and boil as many vegetables on your own personal grill as you can handle!

뷔페식이 많고 어느날 갑자기 한국식 바베큐라고 십여년전에 등장해 대박 났음. 



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